“The quick and easy way to effective speaking”, is an amazing book on communicational development. In this book, the writer has written wonderful ideas through which we can make our communication better. We all know that communication is very crucial in this era. If you want to do any type of job or other business you should be good at communication to getting progress.

According to the writer: Do you also get blank and you forget what you want to say in a meeting and are you struggling with stage fright or do you become self-conscious in Infront of people if yes then these 10 magical tips from the book “the quick and easy way to effective speaking by Dale Carnegie” will help you in the art of delivery and expression.  Before that, I wanna tell you three true facts that the writer told us in his book that can make your confidence high.

Fact 1

You are not unique in stage fear in public speaking. 90% of people in the speaking class suffered stage fright at the beginning of the course. So, don’t worry, it’s a skill that you can learn with practice.

Fact 2

A certain amount of stage fright is useful. If the physiological changes like fast pulse beating and speeding respiration are held within limits then you are capable of thinking faster-talking more fluently and generally speaking with greater intensity than under normal circumstances.

Fact 3

The main cause of your fear of speaking is simply that you are not accustomed to speaking in public. So, to overcome this unwanted situation and practice, practice and become a master of this skill.


Take a few seconds to acknowledge yourself and appreciate your move to eradicate this public speaking fear.  If you want to get better communication skills or wish to become a public speaker then follow these steps.

1.       1. Keep your goal before you

Don’t focus on useless things. Only your focus should be on your goal and the results of that goal. What you wanna become? This helps you a lot to be a confidant.

2.       2. Prepare in an upright way

An effective way to speak effectively in public is not to memorize your speech word for word but only write some points in sequence on paper and put them in front of you. So, that you speak your speak in organizable manners.  If you are writing and then memorizing your talk then you are wasting your time and energy but you are creating a  disaster to go blank and add ineffectiveness to the platform.

3.       3. Develop confidence

Be confident and think about your expertise. No one has all the expertise. So, you should think about your skills and expertise which you are good at and no one has that talent. This gives you enough confidence to speak in public.

4.      4.  Choose a subject you are earnest about

At the start of public speaking, you should start from that topic on which you are an expert. you have enough knowledge to talk about. Talk about your strengths and your favorite topics.

5.      5. Limit your subject

You should know about this and what are the things that you have to cover in your presentation. There is not enough time for anyone that can speak on the whole topic and listen. Limit the topic in which your audience is most interested.

6    6Make the points brief, specific and actionable

Don’t talk about useless things or you can say things that are not concerning to your audience. You should provide your audience with brief, specific and actionable content that can help them in their life and increase knowledge about that topic.

8.       7Compare the strange with the familiar

It’s a good top. If you wanna comfortable with someone while talking so compare him as you know him. It put a good impact on that person and he will understand you his friend.

9.       8Fill your talk with illustrations and examples

Make your presentation wonderful by using visuals, charts, and pictures. It will engage the audience and they will not feel bored with your presentation.

``    9Make your audience a part of your talk

Try to engage the public in your presentation. In this way, you can make your presentation engaging and attractive. People will learn more things that they want. They will be comfortable asking questions with you. It’s a good technique and you should apply this.

   1       10.. Arrange your ideas in a sequence

For being a good public speaker, you should write points on your topic on paper and take them with you on stage. It will help you to present a good presentation. It's not an ugly thing that you are taking notes with you.

These are some important tips that the writer has written in his amazing book. I hope after reading this book, you will act upon it and be a good presenter and speaker. One last thing that I again wanna tell you. don’t focus on others your focus should be on yourself. It will help you a lot to make you a better person.

If you wanna read this book, you can download this book from HERE.

If you wanna discuss this book with me. It will be great. I am available. We can fix our meeting time for discussion. You can contact me through my social media accounts or leave a comment here. I will give me my no. Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. Don’t forget to give me feedback.


  1. I always fear unknown numb of stage and public speaking but fortunately, now I got very handy and smart starter pack for my improvement in realm of possibility with impact creation.
    Thanks for highlighting such deep and important topic.

  2. The best thing is that summery of book in headings.....nice to read it
