Everyone has to face rejection in their life. Every student wants to get admission to the best school, college, or university but it's not always happening and you got there. You face rejections in different matters. But most of us brilliant students face first-time rejection like rejection may be in admission, interview, or our life rejections due to this we then go into demotivation or discouraged and start blaming our past, our society, or another thing.

In this book, the writer had written that if you like your appreciation and become confident then you also dare to listen to your bad or rejections. But if you got this courage then nothing is big in your life.

The courage to be disliked book is the 19th-century book that has written a psychological expert Alfred Adler on Japanese Analysis that tells us our happiness is in our hands and it doesn’t matter how much bad you have faced in our life. So no one can stop you to remain happy.

This book mainly is a story of an unhappy youth who isn’t happy in his life. He listens to a famous philosopher and goes to meet him. There he put their doubts in front of the philosopher and the philosopher clears all the doubts of that young man politely.

He asked the philosopher why we become so angry and how we can control this. Then philosopher replies to this answer. We only make angry with people who can't reply to us like juniors in our office, less aged than us and our children in our family. But in front of our elders and boss and haven’t angry although we adjust this anyway. This shows that everyone can control their anger and in this, we can easily get over our many problems.

The next question he asked from him is how our external appearance and how much does matter our physical appearance. He replied that if anyone Is concerned about your physical appearance that it's only you. No one has enough time to think about how are you looking. Although they are concerned about this that what has your qualities? Your capabilities and qualities matter more than your looks. This is the way we should use most of our time to increase our knowledge and skills. Then he further tells him about in our life there is always everything for us not winning and losing, in fact, we always have to stay away from that matter where there are only these two situations winning and losing.

China and Japan also are those countries where is also competition exists but they focus on overall their co-operation. But USA and Germany are those countries that mostly focus on individual winning. Here is one problem in individual wining we always have to be on top for wining and you stay miser in both conditions you are maybe winner or loser. Because the loser is a miser due to its loss but the winner is also a miser to keep continuing it. That s why with a narrow competition mindset you can get your desired success and be happy.

Further, they discussed apology that if we do apologize in our life then it doesn’t mean we are a loser. But our defeat is then when we make responsible to other people for our defeat or stay away from them. We also blame other people for our mistakes which is wrong. He also tells him that we should always be thankful every time. We should always remain in gratitude due to our parents and other things because we don’t know where life in we are living some people has dreamed of that life.

Philosopher also tells the youth that this world life is not complicated although we have made our life complicated. So for living happily we should first change ourselves. It doesn’t matter hows the world is but it matter hows you are. We only have got this one life so we shouldn't spend our life to fulfill people's expectations but to fulfill our dreams. We should live with freedom and principles. If you spend your life making happy others then who will make you happy? So we should spend our lives according to exactly that why that’s what we want to spend.

At the last of the book, the writer tells him that you can be happy now because happiness is in the inner you. You are responsible for your happiness and sadness because you attract both by yourself.

This book gives us a lesson that we shouldn’t always be regretful of our past but we should live in our present and enjoy it, so at last as we celebrate our success we also celebrate our failure.

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