
The book “ How to talk to anyone” is about communication development. The writer Leil Lowndes had written this book for teaching the best techniques that improve our communication. This book was the need of that time. When the writer had written this book then there is no one book was available on communication development. So then the writer Leil Lowndes had written this book because he was the best speaker and communication development instructor of their time.

In the book how to talk to anyone, the writer Leil Lowndes had discuss many techniques in this book. But I can't explain all the techniques because in this way this summary becomes longer. So that’s the way I am writing 10 the most important techniques that make our communication amazing. I hope these techniques will help everyone to make their communication better. In every situation like a job interview, business deal, first time meeting with a stranger, or dating your crush communication is important. These tips will help you to put an impact on people. So you should remember all these techniques to make your communication good.

1.       1. The flooding smile

      While talking with someone smile plays a good role. This smile makes us feel good about the frontman or shows us a fake man who always smiles. For creating a first impression good and to show a genuine person you should not smile immediately although see for some time his face take a pause and then give a flooding smile. This technique gives trust to them that your smile is genuine and you are understanding their talk. And this smile is only for them. This technique also uses some highly effective people.

2.      2.  Sticky eyes

       You have noticed some people while talking not do eye contact and see somewhere else. This thing tells the person you are not interested in that talk. You always should make eye contact with that person while talking. You do have not to stare at them but only show them you are interested in them or their talk.

3.      3.  The latest news ( don’t leave home without it)

       Most people while going outside only think about their outfits, matching shoes, clothing, hairstyle, etc. but they forget the most important thing. And that is always carrying current topics with you for impressive discussion. It means while going outside you should have a look or watch current topics like government policies, environmental issues, the stock market, international news, or the latest movies. In this way, people think that you have good knowledge about everything and it will put a good impact on them.

4.      4.  Hello! Old friend

      Some people when meat us act like we already know them. And it put a good impact on us. And we remember them always. So always meet with strangers in this way that you already know them and have a friend of them for a long time. If in this way you start a conversation then you feel confident and energetic while talking and it shows them you are a confident person and a good conversational that people make their friends at their first meeting.

5.      5.  Limit fidget

       Fidgeting means movement while talking. Or body language like changing change positions continuously, not having one pose, not eye contact, or seeing somewhere else. This makes you feel nervous and tells them you are speaking lei. But the problem is that when you speak the truth and also fidget. Don’t touch your face while talking. Take a straight posture while conversing. Don’t scratch your forehead shirt pent etc. if you want to win someone's heart then do as much as fidget while conversing.

6.     6.   Be the chooser, not the chosen.

       Every person meat someone in their life and thinks this can change his life.  It may be your friend mentor or your crush. mostly it's your crush or that person which one you want to make a relationship. So it's a whoever friend, friend, or love partner don’t wait that he will notice you although go and start a conversation. Go and talk with them.

7.       7. Never the naked city

        When you meet someone don’t reply in one line but continue that talk. And ask a question about him.

8.       8. Han’s horse sense

       Have you noticed that while talking on the phone you also watch your tv and understand? Due to their body language and posture. You have to notice people in this way.

9.       9. Match the mood

       Before a conversation look at the mood of the other person and match that mood. For example, if your friend is in a serious mood and you don’t are in a funny mood. You also make your mood serious.

10.   10. Proxy eyes

       Not every time you are talking one-to-one but sometime you will be in the team and doing a meeting. So you should make eye contact with your target person this will show him you are interested in him.

I hope these techniques will help you to improve your communication.

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